Our Services
Dog Grooms
Professional Animal Care
Dog Grooming Services
We provide practical dog grooming services for your dog, whatever the breed. Our experienced staff and specialist equipment mean that we can deal with toy breeds up to giant breeds and everything in between! Take a look at our grooming options below for standardised services and contact us directly to find out more about our customised grooms.
Short Haired Groom
You may not immediately think that short-haired breeds need grooming. However, because they shed, they benefit greatly from our undercoat removal techniques. This groom means that much less of your dog’s coat ends up on your floors and furniture at home and they are left with a more comfortable, beautifully soft and shiny coat. This groom includes:
- Brushing for removal of dead coat
- Bath with double shampoo and condition
- Blast dry for removal of remaining loose hair
Ideal for: All short-haired breeds including Labradors, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Short-haired German Shepherds, etc.
Long Haired Groom
Long-haired breeds have a dual coat which consists of a fine undercoat and a thicker outer coat. The temperate climate in the UK and central heating during winter months means that this undercoat is generally not required and therefore ends up on your floors. By grooming out the undercoat in these breeds your dog is left with a more lustrous and shiny coat and you have less cleaning to do at home! This groom includes:
- Brushing for removal of undercoat
- Bath with double shampoo and condition
- Blast dry for removal of remaining loose hair
Ideal for: All long-haired breeds including Golden Retrievers, Collies, Newfoundlands, etc.
Clip and Style
Some breeds don’t shed their fur and they benefit greatly from regular clipping to keep their coats healthy, clean and tidy. If you are unsure of which style to choose, our trained team can help you to identify the grooming style that best suits your dog’s needs and your own preferences utilising our extensive style guide. This groom includes:
- Brushing to remove undercoat and deal with minor matts and tangles
- Bath with double shampoo and condition
- Blast dry for removal of remaining loose hair
- Clipping and styling according to your requirements
Ideal for: Cockapoos, Spaniels, Westies, Labradoodles, Poodles, Schnauzers, etc.

Animal Care Experts
The Benefits of Dog Grooming
All dogs benefit from clean ears to prevent infection and to keep them smelling fresh. Some breeds, such as Poodles and Bichons need their ear hair plucked as otherwise it can obstruct their ear canal. An ear clean/pluck can be added to a groom or as a separate service.
Some dogs’ nails grow quickly, and others hardly at all. Therefore, we don’t include nails in our standardised groom packages. We can add to a groom or do this as a separate service.
If your dog has been scooting along the ground on their bottom or paying a lot of attention to that area during cleaning it probably means that their anal glands need emptying. It is quick and painless and can be done during a groom or as a separate service.
Ensuring that minor mats and tangles are brushed out is an important part of a groom because, aesthetics aside, allowing mats to build up provides a great hiding spot for parasites and can cause soreness and skin complaints in your dog. If your dog’s coat has larger mats it may require a different groom to our standard grooms. We try to brush out mats where possible but this is sometimes not sufficient to remove larger masses and it must be clipped away instead. Dematting is considered on a case-by-case basis and we always work with you to provide the best solution for your dog.